Let the little children come to Me and do not forbid them;
for such is the kingdom of heaven”
Mark 10:14
Vacation Bible School (July 15-19, 2024)
Vacation Bible School is a summer program in which children in PreK (Age 4 by Dec. 1, 2024) through Grade 6 (entering in the fall) rotate through various activity-filled stations. The Bible message is shared through music, games, crafts and stories.
Awana (September-May)
AWANA Clubs is a kids’ club that teaches children scripture memorization, fosters Christian fellowship, provides gospel messages, engages kids in praise and worship, awards their achievements and has interactive team building games! Click HERE to go to the Awana page.
Child Check-in System
Lockport Alliance Church strives to provide a safe environment for the children in our care. We require all children to be checked into the Planning Center Check-in system before entering our classrooms. This will ensure we have each child’s name, any health or allergy concerns, and parents name and phone number in the event of an emergency registered. Each child is given a name label to be worn in the classroom, and the parent is given a pick-up label. Parent pick-up labels are required to be shown to the teacher at the time of child pick up at the end of the service. Please visit the Child Check-in Desk when you visit with your child.

Sunday Mornings
Children’s LIFE Hour – 9:15 am
(Learning Is For Everyone) Provide care for children Ages 0 – 1 and Sunday school format classrooms for children Ages 2 – Grade 5.
Childcare – 10:30 am Service
Childcare is currently offered for Children Ages 0 through Grade 5. Children in grades 1 through 5 will be dismissed from the sanctuary to meet their teacher during the worship service:
- Nursery is available for children Ages 0 – 3 years old.
- Pre-K and Kindergarten Classroom is available for children Ages 4 – K.
- KidChurch is a large group classroom for children in Grades 1 through 5.